The Move and New Job Offer - Week of March 21
/Taught my first class this morning. It was a one to one with a gal who works in a pharmaceutical company. It was pretty last minute so I didn't have a formal lesson plan. It was more of a conversation class. It went really well. We talked and I corrected her mistakes - it was probably the easiest money I ever made. Also, I got feedback already that said the student really enjoyed the class.
Then I opened my first bank account. It seems so lame but it was pretty exciting!!
I had another job interview after that and they offered me the best deal. 15 hours right off the bat, block hours (classes scheduled back to back) and Friday's off. It really doesn't get much better than that!! Also, they offered me 20 hours but I said I'd rather start with 15, get comfortable and then do 20 next month. I really don't want to get overwhelmed and frustrate myself.
I also started my Spanish classes 2 nights a week. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to hold my own but I did pretty well!! I love the language and am really motivated to learn it!!
Also, I put down my deposit on my new flat and got the keys - yippee!! No couches or homelessness for me!!! The new place has my own bathroom, a window (it's amazing how much you miss that when you don't have i)t!! Also, I have a full closet, a washing machine that I can use, a full size fridge, an oven, a microwave - life sure is treating me well right now. So well in fact that I'm pushing my luck and doing some one on one intercambios (they want to learn English and I want to learn Spanish) with boys my age. I sure hope the stars are aligned!!
My bed and window
My closet
Living Room
Hallway - the entrance to my room is on the left.
My kitchen - yes the washing machine is in the kitchen :)
My very own bathroom
On Tuesday I accepted the job offer to work with Class A Agency for 15 hours per week. I've talked to enough people who agree that it's a good opportunity and my gut says this is a good opportunity. My schedule is Mondays and Wednesdays I have three classes. Tuesdays and Thursdays have 5 classes and yes - Friday's off. I'm actually excited about working again. The structure, the feeling of accomplishment, the paycheck!!
I also moved today. I'm no longer in Chueca. I'm now in Salamanca. According to everyone I've told about the new barrio - it's a pretty ritzy part of town. I don't care about that - I'm just happy to have a cool roommate, my own bathroom, a window and to be close to school. My roommate is so super sweet!! I think this is going to work out really well!!
So, both my intercambios were pretty lame!! The first one was with a real dud!! He was boring as hell and had no patience to help me with Spanish. At the end he was complaining about how much his head hurt from trying to teach me Spanish. Then he had the nerve to lecture me about how I shouldn't be drinking and partying - that I should only be learning Spanish. Meanwhile I had one glass of wine with the tapas he ordered. The second one was better except he smelled really bad. Everyone keeps telling me third times a charm so maybe I'll do one more.
The Easter long weekend has been fun. I was able to hang with with Matt and Erin again, which was so much fun!! Great conversations - so great in fact that I thought it was 9:30 or 10:00 when Matt said it was midnight and the metros we're going to stop running. I seriously had no idea it was so late. Erin was so sweet - she gave me soooo much insight into teaching! She even shared some of her lessons with me. And Matt made a delicious meal of salad with Quinoa, avocados, beets, tuna and other deliciousness. It was nice to have a home cooked meal!!
I also got to hang with Darryl and Christina. They took me to a fantastic restaurant close to them. We were originally going to go to a wine bar closer to me but with the Easter precessions it would have been too crowded. The food was incredible and as always, the conversations were amazing. They're so lovely and easy to get along with!!
I also spent some time with the gals from my TEFL class drinking up a storm on Friday - was as always, a blast!! I love hanging out with them!!
On Saturday I went to Segovia again with the gals. We took the bus and it was lots of fun! I was able to tell them some of the things I had learned from Darryl when we had gone a few weekend before. The aqueduct was just as amazing this time - and yes, still no cement.
Feel free to send your comments - I love to hear from you all!!